If you have any question or need help, you can contact us to assist you.

Payment Options

What Forms of Payment do You Accept?

You can pay for your purchase with your MasterCard, Visa, Discover, and American Express credit or debit cards. Plus, you can also pay via payment channels like PayPal.

Do You Accept Mobile Payment Options like Google Pay or Apple Pay?

As of now we do not accept Apple Pay or Google Pay. But we have plans to launch this feature soon.

Can I ask for a Refund If I’m not Satisfied with the Product?

Absolutely you can. However, to know more about refunds refer to our Refund Policy.

Is my Payment Information Secure?

We understand that purchasing products from a website involves a bucket load of trust on your part. Worry not, because Whites Pearl does not take your trust for granted. Your security and confidentiality are out top priority, so you can rest assured that any information you give us is secure.

Shipping Options

Do You Offer International Shipping?

As of now, Whites Pearl is only shipping within the United States. However, we plan on expanding our reach to far of areas soon.

What are You Shipping Rates?

For orders less than $35, you will have to pay a shipping fee of $5. However, orders for orders above $35, shipping will be free.

Will I be Offered Shipping Updates via Email?

Yes, you will be provided with shipping updated through whitespearlcom@gmail.com.

What will Happen in Case of Loss or Damage of Product During Shipping?

You will either be refunded the entire amount or will get the products you ordered, free of cost. The choice is completely yours.

Technical Support

What Channels do You Offer in Terms of Customer Support?

In case of any queries, you can reach us by dropping an email whitespearlcom@gmail.com or via live chat.

What are Your Customer Support Hours?

A member of the customer support will be available to answer your queries 24/7 via live chat. You can also drop an email anytime of the day you want, and our team will get back to you as soon as possible.

Can a Phone Call be Arranged with a Representative?

As of now, we are only offering two contact options, email and live chat. However, we will soon be adding an option of customer support via phone call.

How Can I Provide Feedback and Complaints?

You can reach us through live chat or email us at whitespearlcom@gmail.com

Product Queries

Are Your Mink Oil and Leather Conditioner the Same Product?

Mink Oil and Leather Conditioner are more or less the same product. Mink Oil is a rebranding of the original Leather Conditioner. However, due to immense love from the customers for our Leather Conditioner, we decided to keep them both, the old and the new.

How Much Leather Conditioner do I Need to Apply on My Leather Products?

We recommend covering you leather products with an even layer of conditioner. The amount however depends on the type of leather, kind of product, and its state i.e. how worn out or dry it is.

How Often Should I Condition Leather?

Normally it is recommended that you condition leather every 6 months. However, there are certain factors that play a role in determining that. These factors include, usage, exposure to sun and dust, and storage.

Is it Necessary to use Leather Conditioner after Applying the Cleaner and Conditioner?

Our leather Cleaner and Conditioner although possesses conditioning properties, they are not as robust as the attributes harbored by our Leather Conditioner or Mink Oil. Therefore, once you are done cleaning with the Cleaner and Conditioner, it is recommended that you apply a coat of Leather Conditioner or Mink Oil.