Leather, Tips & Tricks

How to Soften Leather?

How to Soften leather
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It comes as no surprise that leather is the most versatile and stylish material on this planet. Just like anything valuable, leather also demands care and maintenance. With time leather can become stiff if it’s not given proper attention. This stiffness can result in cracking and peeling. So, here the question arises: how to soften leather? There are a few techniques via which you can easily soften the leather and restore its former glory. In this article, we will not only be answering your question, about how to soften leather but will also provide you with a step-by-step cleaning guide, which if followed can prevent stiffness in leather. 

Different Types of Leather and Their Difference in Stiffness – How to Soften Leather?

How to soften leather

Contrary to popular belief, leather does not only originate from cowhide but also comes from buffalo, elk, ostrich, alligator, crocodile, snake, and lizard. Therefore, different kinds of leather, having derived from different sources, possess different characteristics. For example, bovine leather is a tough leather that is used mostly for making protective items like motorcycle leather jackets. It might seem like an oxymoron, but if on the one hand bovine leather is tough on the other hand it is also quite fragile and delicate. 

When it comes to goatskin leather, there is a distinctive property that puts it ahead of every other leather and that is water repellency. In leather water repellency is an important and distinctive trait as we know by now that water is one of the biggest foes of leather. On the other hand, lambskin leather is prized by high-end companies and luxury designers. The leather finds its use in the opulent market of luxury among Hermes bags and Gucci. Given below is a list of the most prevalent hides along with their relative softness:

  • The most common type of hide that we mostly find adorning furniture is cowhide. Cowhide is the most durable leather and is applauded for its strength, hence its use in the furniture market.  It is however not utilized readily in the fashion sector as it is heavyweight and possesses a toughness not suitable for making clothing items. 
  • Deerskin is one of the prevalent forms of leather and is softer than cowhide. The leather flaunts a soft feel and possesses the quality to keep its wearer warm when it’s cold and cool when it’s hot. Furthermore, it is also durable and resistant to abrasion. 
  • Lambskin leather is the softest form of leather as it originates from a young animal. The leather also harbors a buttery feel, and no other leather can compete with the silky feel of this extravagant material. Due to its softness lambskin leather products are more susceptible to abrasion and wear hence it demands extra care and maintenance.

What Makes Leather Stiff? – How to Soften Leather?

Leather stiffness can result from multiple reasons one of them being lack of care. You need to treat and condition your leather items the same way you treat and condition your skin, because, at the end of the day, leather is still skin, despite its type. Below are some of the reasons why leather gets stiff with time:

Storage Environment – Most people tend to throw leather in the closet, all rumpled up, without a second thought. This lack of care can result in the leather getting stiffer. Furthermore, if you store your leather in an area with excessive dryness or wetness, it can also result in damage. The most ideal condition in which you can tear your leather is in a room that possesses a relative humidity of 40 to 50%, has ventilation, and lacks direct sunlight.

Stretching – If you try to squeeze your body into a leather item that does not fit well, the leather might end up stretching. Stretching of leather can result in it becoming less flexible and supple that ultimately leads to stiffness.

Dryer Usage – Under no circumstances should you expose your leather to the atrocities of a dryer. If you do, your leather will dry up and lose its softness. Therefore, when drying leather, use a dry washcloth, not a dryer. 

Old Leather – Leather can get less supple and stiffer with time, especially if it’s not cared for properly. 

How to Soften Leather?

Methods to keep leather soft

Has your leather started to peel and crack? Has it lost its suppleness and softness? There are several ways via which you can easily soften your leather and return it to its former glory. 

Method 1: Use Water to Soften Leather

Step 1: Fill a Spray Bottle with Water

Moisturizing leather is one of the most effective ways to restore its softness. To avoid the build-up of minerals or staining, make sure to use distilled water instead of hard water. Fill a spray bottle with distilled water and tighten its cap. In case you don’t have a spray bottle, you can use a wet towel. Keep in mind that this method is not suitable for leather that has been waterproofed.  

Step 2: Spray Water on the Entire Surface of the Leather

From the top to bottom, cover the entire leather in water, till it begins to bead up. Leave the product for some time, during which moisture will seep into the layers of leather, loosening its firmness. 

Step 3: Wipe excess Water

Use a clean cloth to remove excess water from the surface of the leather. Afterward, dry it naturally by placing the leather product in a cool and dry area. 

Step 4: Apply Whites Pearl Leather Conditioner

Once your leather has dried, it’s time to condition it with Whites Pearl Leather Conditioner. Whites Pearl Leather Conditioner restores the moisture content of leather, making it supple, and chasing away dryness and stiffness. 

Method 2: Treat with Whites Pearl Leather Conditioner

Step 1: Clean Your Leather

Before you apply the conditioner, it is necessary to remove any dust or debris lining the surface of the leather. So, grab a soft cloth and gently wipe the surface of the leather. If there are any stubborn stains you can use Whites Pearl Leather Cleaner and Conditioner to clean the leather.

Step 2: Gently Massage Whites Pearl Leather Conditioner into Leather

Once you have cleaned your leather, it’s time to condition it. Take a small amount of Whites Pearl Leather Conditioner on a soft cloth and gently massage the product into the leather. Whites Pearl Leather Conditioner will seep into the layers of leather, restoring its moisture content, and softness. 

Step 3: Condition Products Regularly 

If you wish to maintain the suppleness and feel of your leather, it’s important to condition it every six months or so. 

How to Keep Your Leather Items from Becoming Stiff? – How to Soften Leather?

  • You cannot understate the importance of quality. Always try to invest in high-quality leather that is not only easier to care for but will also not deteriorate or dry out as quickly as low-grade leather does. 
  • Don’t expose your leather to direct sunlight as it can result in dryness and cracking. 
  • Don’t dry your leather in a dryer, instead leave it to dry naturally, on its own. 
  • To keep your leather soft and supple you need to maintain it regularly. You mink oil, leather conditioner, and leather protectant to maintain and care for your leather. 
  • Follow the manufacturer’s instructions regarding cleaning and storage of leather. 

Steps for Cleaning and Maintaining Leather – How to Soften Leather?

Cleaning and maintaining leather

Step 1: Dust Your Leather 

The leather cleaning process starts with dusting. Use a soft cloth to remove any dust or debris on the surface of the leather 

Step 2: Clean with Whites Pearl Leather Cleaner and Conditioner

Once you have dusted your leather, it’s time to clean it with Leather Cleaner and Conditioner. Either spray the cleaner and conditioner directly on the surface of the leather or apply it on a cloth and use it to clean the leather. Once you have thoroughly cleaned your leather, leave your leather to dry naturally for a few hours.

Step 3: Apply Whites Pearl Leather Conditioner 

Once your leather is dry, take a small amount of Whites Pearl Leather Conditioner on a soft cloth and massage it gently onto the surface of the leather. Thoroughly cover the entire surface of the leather with the leather condition and leave it to dry for two to twenty-four hours. 

Step 3: Spray Whites Pearl Leather Protector 

When your leather is dry, spray an even layer of Whites Pearl Leather Protector on its surface. The protector will further enhance the protective and defensive barrier of leather, saving it from harm. 

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How to Clean and Condition Leather Car Seats: 5 Best Practices for Keeping Your Vehicle’s Interior Looking Great

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About Whites Pearl

Whites Pearl is a Texas based company that specializes in making Natural Leather Conditioner and Sneaker Cleaner from non-toxic and 100% organic ingredients. We also Prioritize our environment that's why our products are packaged using eco-Friendly packaging.

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