Tips & Tricks, Furniture, Leather

How to Remove Makeup Stains from Leather Upholstery and Car Interior?

How to Remove Makeup stains from Leather Upholestry?
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They say beauty is pain and sacrifice, but it is worth sacrificing your beloved leather. Makeup stains on leather upholstery and car interior are every leather lover’s nightmare. We are a generation that runs on energy drinks and adrenaline. For us, our cars are our home, closet, and dressing rooms. Many of us have spent the morning getting ready in our cars and while getting ready sometimes accidents happen, leading to a smudge or two on the exquisite leather interior of our cars. 

However, having a stroke at the sight of a makeup stain on leather is a bit of an overreaction because to remove makeup stains from leather, you only have to follow a set of basic steps and your leather will be as good as new. Let’s take a look at how you can remove makeup stains from leather upholstery and car interior.  

Whites Pearl

How to Remove Makeup Stains from Leather Upholstery and Car Interior?

Removing makeup stains from leather upholstery

There are several hacks that you must keep in mind when removing makeup stains from leather:

  • When a leather item gets stained with makeup, prompt action should be taken, as some cosmetics contain oily substances, which when oxidized can become difficult to remove. Furthermore, as leather is a porous material, makeup can easily penetrate it, making it difficult to remove it once it dries. 
  • In case you are using make that is water-based instead of oil-based, the. you can easily clean them with a sponge and some warm water. 
  • Stubborn makeup stains can be removed by applying a 10 percent solution of ammonia on the stain with a cotton pad and allowing it to sit for a few minutes. afterward, sprinkle the stain with baking soda, allow it to sit for a while, and then use a soft sponge dipped in warm water to remove it. 
  • Lipstick stains can be a little tough to remove as lipsticks are oil-based products. To remove lipstick stain, apply a small amount of Whites Pearl Leather Cleaner and Conditioner on a microfiber cloth and gently remove the stain from the leather.

Steps to Remove Makeup Stains from Leather Upholstery and Car Interior 

Removing makeup stains from leather

Step 1: Identify the Stain

First of all, you need to make sure that the stain on your leather upholstery is oil-based or water-based. If it is water-based, you can easily clean it with a sponge and warm water. If it is oil based follow the steps given below.

Step 2: Clean with Whites Pearl Leather Cleaner and Conditioner 

Whites Pearl Leather Cleaner and Conditioner is an ideal product for removing oil-based makeup stains. To clean the stain, you can either spray the cleaner and conditioner directly on the stain or use a microfiber cloth to apply it. Use a soft cloth to gently rub at the stain. Once you have cleaned the stain, allow the leather to dry.

Step 3: Apply Whites Pearl Leather Conditioner

Once you are done with the cleaning process, take a small amount of Whites Pearl Leather Conditioner and gently massage it into the leather. Whites Pearl Leather Conditioner is composed of natural ingredients that make the leather supple and protect it against water and sun damage. 

Step 4: Apply Whites Pearl Leather Protector

To add another layer of defense to your leather, evenly spray a layer of Whites Pearl Leather Protector. The protector makes leather resistant to water and also protects it from dust and UV. 

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About Whites Pearl

Whites Pearl is a Texas based company that specializes in making Natural Leather Conditioner and Sneaker Cleaner from non-toxic and 100% organic ingredients. We also Prioritize our environment that's why our products are packaged using eco-Friendly packaging.

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