Leather, Tips & Tricks

How to Remove Oil Stains from Leather?

get rid of oil stains on leather
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After water and sun, the biggest foe of leather is oil stains.

When it comes to opulence and elegance, leather is the material that beats all. For the past 7,000 years, leather making has been an art that has been practiced around the world. Today, carrying genuine leather items directly translates to being bougie and extravagant. Due to the hefty price tag that this lush material carries, owners take extra care not to bring any harm to it. One of the major damages that a leather owner fears is oil stains.

As oil can effortlessly penetrate the pores of leather, it can lead to discoloration and dullness. In extreme cases, the leather might even start peeling due to which the only remedy that you will have left in the end will be to discard your beloved, not to mention expensive, leather item. 

A leather item falling prey to oil stains is common, however, you need to take prompt action if you wish to preserve the appearance and allure of your leather. Bad smells and stubborn stains are unwelcome guests that you can easily get rid of if you follow a few simple steps. Being leather connoisseurs ourselves, we know how it feels when oil decides to mar your beautiful leather. Therefore, we took it upon ourselves to look into ways via which you can easily remove oil stains from leather. Given below is a brief description of how oil stains can damage your leather, and the steps that you can take to remove them before said damage happens. 

What Happens If Oil Stains Remain on Leather for a Long Time?

Oil Stains on Leather

When an oil spillage occurs on leather, it results in the darkening of the material. Therefore, as soon as spillage occurs, it’s wise to remove the oil from the leather as soon as possible. The longer oil is left on the leather, the faster oil will percolate into the leather, resulting in permanent damage. As leather is a raw product, it has pores due to which oil can easily seep into it and cause staining. If prompt action is not taken, the seeped oil will become more difficult to remove. 

How to Remove Oil Stains from Leather?

Step 1: Blot 

To protect your leather from oil stains, take prompt action as soon as the spillage occurs. Grab a paper towel and gently blot the area. When removing the spillage, make sure not to rub and continue cleaning until you see no spillage.

Step 2: Cover with Powder like Baking Soda, or Cornstarch

Apply Powder on oil

Once you have blotted oil, apply a generous amount of oil-absorbing powder like baking soda or cornstarch. The oil-absorbing powder will help draw oil stains to the surface of the leather. If there is minor spillage, leave the oil for 15 to 20 minutes, however, in case of stubborn stains, leave the powder for 12 to 14 hours. Once the time is up, use a microfiber cloth to gently remove the powder from the leather surface.

Step 3: Clean with Whites Pearl Leather Cleaner and Conditioner 

Once you have completed the second step, it’s time to clean your leather with Whites Pearl Leather Cleaner and Conditioner. Apply a small amount of cleaner and conditioner on a microfiber cloth and gently clean the spillage. Once you are done, allow the leather to dry naturally. 

Step 4: Apply Whites Pearl Leather Conditioner 

Apply Leather Conditioner

This is not a mandatory step. As you have previously applied Whites Pearl Leather Cleaner and Conditioner, on your leather you don’t need to follow this, however, if you want robust conditioning, take a small amount of Whites Pearl Leather Conditioner and gently massage it on your leather. Once thoroughly applied, allow the leather to dry for a few hours. 

Step 5: Apply Whites Pearl Leather Protectant

To add an extra layer of defense, apply a small amount of leather protectant on the surface of the leather. Whites Pearl Leather Protectant is designed to protect your leather from its biggest foes like water and sun. 

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Unlock the Secrets of Natural Leather Care with Whites Pearl: Protect, Preserve, and Prolong

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About Whites Pearl

Whites Pearl is a Texas based company that specializes in making Natural Leather Conditioner and Sneaker Cleaner from non-toxic and 100% organic ingredients. We also Prioritize our environment that's why our products are packaged using eco-Friendly packaging.

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