
The Ultimate Guide on How to Properly Store Leather Accessories- 10 Leather Storing Tips

The Ultimate Guide on How to Properly Store Leather Accessories
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Are you preparing for a long road trip, or do you just need to put your favorite leather goods on hold until the perfect opportunity presents itself? Whatever the reason is you should keep in mind that you need to properly store leather accessories in order to preserve their appearance and durability. Whether it is a collection of leather bags, a wallet full of memories, a stylish belt, or a black jacket simply by following the best practices for storing leather goods, you can keep them in pristine condition for years to come. Therefore, in this article, we will walk you through a complete guide on how to properly store leather accessories.

Understanding how to Store Leather Accessories of Different Types

Understanding how to Store Leather Accessories of Different Types

Before looking into storage techniques, you must understand the type of leather you are dealing with. Whether vegetable-leather or chrome-leather leather, each has unique characteristics that will determine how the leather accessory needs to be stored.

Vegetable-tanned leather: 

This type of leather is tanned using natural materials such as tree bark and plant extracts. It’s valued for its durability as well as its ability to form a rich patina over time. However, veg-tanned leather is susceptible to damage from environmental factors. The two main being:


Exposing the leather to direct sunlight can cause it to darken unevenly which can lead to unsightly patches along with changes in texture. 


when the humidity levels are high, they can promote the growth of mold as well as mildew on the leather surface which will compromise its quality. 

Chrome-tanned leather: 

Chrome-tanned leather is processed using chromium salts, in contrast to vegetable-tanned leather which gives it a softer and more supple texture. 

Chrome-tanned leather is generally more resistant to water as well as moisture than veg-tanned leather, but it is still susceptible to damage if it is not stored properly. 

Exposure to sunlight in excess can cause colors to fade as well as the leather to become brittle over time. 

When the humidity levels fluctuate, they can lead to the growth of mold and mildew, especially in damp environments. 

Identifying which Leather Accessory, you will Store

You need to consider the leather goods you’ll be storing, such as bags, wallets, belts, laptop cases, jackets, etc. Each item will require different storage methods based on:

-The Size of the leather

-The shape of the leather accessories

-The material of the leather accessories

You need to store them in a place where they aren’t cramped as maintaining the shape as well as the form of leather accessories is important to prevent any deformation to its shape which can cause damage to the overall appearance of the leather over time.

Best Techniques to Store Leather

Best Techniques to Store Leather

Rolling the Leather instead of Folding

When you want to keep your leather in good shape while storing it, rolling it up instead of folding it is a life saving hack. This might not be something everyone knows about, but it really helps to prevent those annoying creases from forming on the leather along with any lasting damage.

Steps for rolling the leather are pretty simple, be gentle when you’re rolling the leather, so you don’t put too much pressure on it. For leather that is thicker or stiffer, like the kind used for saddles or heavy-duty belts, you have to be more careful. Rolling them up needs a bit more attention to make sure you don’t damage the material.

When you’re rolling the leather one of the tricks is to make sure the smooth side faces outwards. This helps it keep that nice, smooth look without any bumps or wrinkles.

Rolling Techniques

The way you roll up the leather accessory depends on how soft or stiff it is. Soft leathers, like lambskin or suede, can be rolled up loosely in order to keep their delicate feel. But for leathers that are thicker or stiffer, you might need to roll them up tighter to keep their shape.

Separation of Leather Types

One important thing you need to know is that you can’t store all your leather accessories in the same place. Storing different types of leather separately is important for preventing damage as well as maintaining the quality of each leather piece. 

When you are storing after rolling the leather, it’s important to keep vegetable-tanned leather separate from chrome-tanned leather to avoid any potential chemical reactions or discoloration. 

Another thing is when you are storing softer leathers store them away from heavier or more rigid materials to prevent any form of compression or distortion. 


You need to take certain precautions to protect the leather from damage when storing it. This includes measures to prevent damage from:

  • Insects
  • Pets
  • Metals
  • Careless handling

You need to keep two things in mind the first is storing leather accessories in sealed containers or wrapping them in breathable materials to help keep out insects as well as protect them from any environmental contaminants.

The second thing is avoiding contact with metals or harsh chemicals to prevent stains or discoloration of leather.

Storage of Rawhide

Rawhide requires specific guidelines for storage to prevent rotting as well as to maintain its quality.

When you are storing rawhide, it’s important to keep it in a cool, dry place with enough ventilation to prevent any buildup of moisture. Rawhide should also be stored away from direct sunlight and extreme temperatures, as these can accelerate the degradation process. 

Also you need to Allow the rawhide to dry thoroughly before storage along with periodically checking for any signs of moisture or mold.

Storage of Leather Scraps

Learning how to properly store leather scraps is essential to improving their shelf life.

They should be sorted by: 

  • The size of the Scraps 
  • The types of scraps 

After sorting them you need to store them separately as this will make it easier to find them for future use.

Storing leather scraps in sealed containers or bins can help protect them from moisture, dust, pests, etc. You also need to regularly check the stored scraps for any signs of damage. Make sure you also condition them with a leather conditioner like Whites Pearl Leather Conditioner, every 6 months, to restore the natural oils of the leather. 

Shelving and Storage Structure

When you are storing leather accessories after rolling them, it’s important to pick strong shelves that can handle the weight of leather rolls without bending or breaking. Heavy-duty shelves made of materials that are sturdy like steel or wood are best for this job.

Make sure the shelves are spaced as well as reinforced to prevent them from sagging or buckling under the weight of the leather. 

Tip: In order to make it easier to find what you need along with keeping everything safe, you should start organizing the rolls by:

•           The size of the leather roll

•           The type of the leather rolls

•           How you plan to use the leather rolls

Key Tips on How to Properly Store Leather Accessories

Key Tips on How to Properly Store Leather Accessories

Avoid Direct Sunlight

Excessive sunlight can be harmful to leather accessories, just like it can be to our skin. When leather is exposed to too much sunlight, it can dry out which can lead it to develop unsightly cracks. In order to protect your leather accessories, you need to store them in a dark or low-light environment area, such as a closet or drawer.

Use Breathable Materials

Your leather accessories need to breathe to stay healthy.  If you warp them in plastic this can trap moisture as well as lead to mold growth, which can ruin your leather items. You need to instead, opt for breathable materials like paper or fabric dust bags. These allow the air to circulate around the leather which will prevent any moisture buildup as well as keep your items in top condition.

Prevent Metal Contact

You need to prevent the contact of metal with your leather accessories as they can react with metals which can cause stains as well as discoloration. You need to store leather accessories away from metal objects like jewelry, zippers, hangers with metal hooks, etc. So, you need to keep them separate to reduce the risk of chemical reactions to preserve the pristine appearance of your leather items.

Avoid Folding

As we mentioned above many people don’t know this but folding leather goods can create creases that permanently damage them, especially if they are stored this way for extended periods of time. Gently roll them up, instead of folding them to preserve their shape. What happens is when you roll the leather it distributes the pressure more evenly which prevents unsightly creases.

Maintain Separate Storage

Different types of leather will require different care, so it’s essential to store them separately. This prevents color transfer as well as reduces the risk of damage to the leather accessories from oil or moisture.  You need to keep your leather goods organized by storing them in separate compartments or using different storage containers for each type of leather.

Recondition Periodically

Leather just like our skin, needs regular care in order to stay healthy and supple. 

You need to do periodic cleaning along with conditioning to help replenish lost moisture, preventing the leather from drying out as well as becoming brittle. 

You need to use a natural leather conditioner, that is made from non-toxic and 100% organic material, like Whites Pearl Natural leather conditioner. Make it a habit to clean as well as condition your leather goods every few months to keep them looking their best.

Use Desiccants

Like we said earlier moisture can be detrimental to leather as it can cause mold growth as well as give rise to unpleasant odors coming from your leather accessories. To keep your leather goods dry and mold-free you simply need to place silica gel packets or other desiccants in your storage areas. These absorb moisture from the air which creates a dry environment that’s inhospitable to the growth of any mold as well as mildew.

Stuff with Paper

To help leather bags and other items maintain their shape during storage you need to fill them with white paper or bubble wrap. This will prevent them from collapsing on themselves as well as helping them retain their original form over time. You need to avoid using newspaper, as the ink can transfer onto the leather and cause stains.

Hang Leather Items

Hanging leather bags, belts, jackets, etc. on padded hangers is an excellent way to prevent creasing and maintain their shape. Make sure to use hangers with soft padding to prevent any type of indentations on the leather. Hanging leather accessories also allows air to circulate around the items which helps them stay free from mold.

Regular Inspection

Like we said earlier you need to make it a habit to periodically inspect your stored leather goods for any signs of damage or mold growth. Then clean and condition your leather. You can clean your leather goods using a Bespoke leather cleaner which is a custom-made cleaner made according to the specific needs of your leather. For conditioning, you need to use a Natural leather conditioner like Whites Pearl leather conditioner that is made from non-toxic as well as 100% natural ingredients. Catching issues early allows you to take prompt action and prevent further deterioration.

Bottom Line on How to Store Leather Accessories

Bottom Line on How to Store Leather Accessories

Knowing how to properly store leather accessories is the key to preserving the quality of your leather. You can make sure that your leather remains in pristine condition for years to come by following the expert tips provided above for storage along with prioritizing conditioning with non-toxic leather conditioners like Whites Pearl Natural Leather Conditioner as well as regular cleaning.  

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About Whites Pearl

Whites Pearl is a Texas based company that specializes in making Natural Leather Conditioner and Sneaker Cleaner from non-toxic and 100% organic ingredients. We also Prioritize our environment that's why our products are packaged using eco-Friendly packaging.

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