
The Dos and Don’ts of Conditioning Leather Boots

Conditioning leather boots The Do's and Don'ts

So, you just invested in a pair of high-end luxury boots. The one thing that might be bothering you is, how do I care for them. How do I protect them from atmospheric elements? They are bound to get wet and dirty. Well, the answer to all your leather problems is encompassed within two words: good maintenance.

If you maintain your leather products well, they will withstand the test of time. First and foremost, you need to clean your leather boots regularly and condition them every 6 months or so. Leather demands care and love, if you treat it well, leather can last for years, decades even. Let’s take a look at the dos and don’ts of conditioning leather boots.

The Dos and Don’ts of Conditioning Leather Boots  

The Dos of Conditioning Leather Boots 

Dos of conditioning leather

Leather boots are worth every penny you spend on them. They are classy and stylish, they never go out of style and are extremely durable, not to mention great to look at. However, no matter how durable your leather boots are, they need proper maintenance. To maintain the charm and beauty of leather boots, consider investing in a top-notch leather cleaner and leather conditioner from a well-regarded company.

As leather is skin, and like all skin, it needs moisture. A leather conditioner helps moisturize leather, making it supple and durable. Leather conditioners possess properties that not only help restore the moisture of leather but also make it resistant to water and dirt. As leather boots can be subject to such elements, it is best to keep them conditioned. 

The Don’ts of Conditioning Leather Boots 

Don'ts of conditioning leather

The internet is filled to the brim with DIY alternative leather conditioners. But trust us when we say these, these DIY conditioners do more harm than good. Never ever, use olive oil on your leather boot because if you do, eventually bacteria and mold will build up on leather. Moreover, olive oil penetrates deep into the layers of leather and later resurfaces, staining the leather. These oil stains can be quite difficult to remove and sometimes are downright impossible. Therefore, it is best to invest in a reputable leather conditioner instead of opting for alternative ways. 

Conditioning Leather Boots – 6 Steps

Steps for Conditioning Leather Boots

Clean the Leather Before Conditioning Leather Boots – Before conditioning leather boots, make sure to clean them properly. Check if your boots need a quick wipe down or proper cleaning. Then grab a lint-free, soft cloth, apply cleaning product on it, and gently wipe away the dirt and grime from your boots. 

Remove Laces Before Conditioning Leather Boots – Once you are done cleaning your boots, remove the laces if they have any, and then proceed with conditioning.

Conduct a Spot Test Before Conditioning Leather Boots – Keep in mind that before applying conditioner to your boots, you have to do a spot test to check if there is any adverse reaction. Apply a small amount of conditioner to a discrete area on the boot and see how the leather reacts to it.

Condition Your Boots With Whites Pearl If the conditioner passes the spot test, it’s time to condition your boots. Apply a small amount of conditioner to a soft, lint-free cloth and massage it on the boots in gentle circular motions. 

After Conditioning Leather Boots, Allow Them to Dry – Once you have thoroughly applied the leather conditioner to every crevice and crack of your leather boots, leave them out to dry completely for almost 24 hours. 

Wipe Down Excess – Once your boots have dried, wipe any excess conditioner with a lint-free cloth. Check if your booths need another round of conditioning. If they do repeat the above-mentioned steps

Also Read

Advantages of a Leather Conditioner

6 Major Causes of Leather Damage

Ultimate Guide to Leather Care


About Whites Pearl

Whites Pearl is a Texas based company that specializes in making Natural Leather Conditioner and Sneaker Cleaner from non-toxic and 100% organic ingredients. We also Prioritize our environment that's why our products are packaged using eco-Friendly packaging.

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